Jessica Watson - Australia's 16 Year Old Solo Around The World Sailor
What more can I say that hasn’t been said in hundreds of newspaper and TV reports about the youngest person who has sailed solo around the world….Jessica Watson.

Her journey took 7 months or 210 days and she travelled over 23,000km (14,290 miles).

Leaving Sydney on Jessica's remarkable journey around the world.
Watching as she docked in Sydney at the Opera House and was greeted by her parents brought a tear to my eye to think what an achievement Jessica has brought to those who may dream, but instead do not follow their dreams. One hopes more young people be they Australian or of any other nationality look upon Jessica’s journey and take up their own challenge and go out and attempt to bring their own dream/s to fulfilment.

Part of the flotilla of craft the welcomed Jessica back home.
Listening to her speech at the Opera House it’s hard to imagine Jessica is only 16 years old as she sounds much older and wiser beyond her years.

This is a extract taken from comments on TV.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd shook Jessica's hands, as did NSW Premier Kristina Keneally. Mr Rudd said Watson was a "hero'' admired by Australians, and "do our nation proud.” ”You have lived your dream,'' he added.
Home at last coming through the Heads entering Sydney Harbour.
Mr Rudd led the crowd in giving Jessica a hip hip hurrah. Ms Keneally said Jessica was an inspiration. "Your have inspired us. You have reminded us what is possible. You have inspired us to follow our dreams.''
Jessica urged others to follow her example by living out their dreams. "I don't consider myself a hero. I'm an ordinary girl who believed in her dream,'' she told a large, cheering welcome-home crowd in
Waving to the the 50 odd thousand that turned up to welcome Jessica home.
"You don't have to be someone special to achieve something amazing. You've just got to have a dream, believe in it and work hard.'' Jessica said she hoped her voyage proved what could be achieved by setting your mind to it.
"Anything really is possible.''
Jessica reflected on times when, as a girl growing up and learning about sailing, she had been overlooked because of her gender.
"As a little girl ... people don't think you're capable of these things. They don't realise what young people, what 16-year-olds, and what girls are capable of. "It is amazing when you take away those expectations what you can do and what you can achieve.

If one is interested you can click on this link and you will be taken to a site where you will see where Jessica has sailed and there are small boxes that when clicked on will open either a photo with comments or a small video clip that Jessica comments on where she is. You may need to wait a very small time while this opens onto the area to view where Jessica sailed.
Again if one is interested you can click on this link and you will be taken to Jessica’s blog which she posted quite often during her voyage.
Good post Wazza,and she didn't even die!!!!!
Hi Warren ~~ Good post and what a great homecoming she had yesterday.
I watched it for hours along with everyone else. I will read her blog at some stage.
I wonder what is in store for Jess
now - or does she go back to being
just a teenager. I thought Kevin was going to give her a car -- and he gave her 1 driving lesson. Wow.
Take care my friend, see you later in the year. Cheers, Merl.
She's got more intestinal fortitude in her little finger than most people have all over. She proved the naysayers wrong (and I was one of them)...and good on her. Go, Jess!
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